Why Your Next Trip Should be a Yoga Retreat
Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or someone that thinks you’re way too inflexible to even attempt such a thing… go on a yoga retreat! Soon.
Here’s why. It comes down to three “B’s” – breathe, balance and bliss. And, yes, that’s also the name of one of the yoga adventure cruises I’m co-leading in June 2018.
Yoga teaches us to breathe deeply and intentionally. Connect prana (breath, life force) with movement. Focus and manipulate our breath through pranayama (breathing exercises) to create and sustain peace and tranquility. It’s a great stress reliever and a powerful form of meditation.
A yoga retreat is like pranayama on steroids, if steroids were actually good for you. By design, yoga retreats are all about giving you space to breathe, on and off the mat.
Breathe in the beauty of nature. Breathe out the fast pace of everyday life. Breathe in silence. Breathe out the constant noise that surrounds us, smothers us. Breathe in wonder and infinite possibilities. Breathe out fear and negative thoughts – “Do these yoga pants make me look fat?” “I must look ridiculous in this pose.” “I’ll never be as flexible as that lithe little nymph next to me.” Or, whatever form of “not enough” that shows up for you at any given time.
Practicing yoga, especially in a retreat setting, is also an exercise in letting go and rediscovering balance in all aspects of your life. With daily (or twice daily) yoga classes, surrounded by nature, you’ll strengthen your body’s ability to find and maintain balance with noticeable results by the end of the journey.
Beyond the physical benefits, you’ll also regain balance of mind by unplugging from your daily routine and distractions that come with it, to completely focus on the NOW, not your “to do” list or the latest tweet. And, you’ll balance your spirit in the process, giving you fresh perspectives and new insights about yourself and the world around us.
Which leads to bliss. A yoga retreat is an invitation to “bliss out” completely. To awaken your inner bliss on a level you’ve never known before or long since forgotten. To take that sense of complete joy, happiness and freedom and infuse it, integrate it, into every aspect of your life when you go back home.
That’s why, when planning your next vacation, make it a yoga retreat. You’ll breathe and balance your way into a state of bliss accessible at any time. All you have to do is close your eyes, take a deep inhale and remember. Om Shanti...